donderdag, juni 22, 2006

WOWI Weekend in Malahide

Saturday we had lot's of sun and light wind followed by rain, clouds and moderate wind on Sunday

...typical Irish summer weather....

I worked on tacking, gybing and using the harness with that little bit more swung :-)

dinsdag, juni 13, 2006

Finally I manage to beachstart...

Nina, Verena and I went to Collanmore this weekend (again). The weather was brilliant: sunny and windy; we couldn't have hoped for better. I even managed to finally get the hang of the beachstart on Sunday :-) :-) :-)

So far my favoroute islands of Ireland...

vrijdag, juni 02, 2006

Windsurfing without wind...

What do you do when you plan to go windsurfing and there's no wind whatsoever...

At Surfdock they know...
Put a bike on your board and you'll get the most funny pedalo ever :-)

First signs of summer in Dublin...

...And oh my, whe enjoyed!!!